robots.txt for Entire Development Server by @jrearick

I have a development server I use to let users play around or load a site up with content before it goes live. On this server I have virtual hosts for each site. None of the information on these development sites are really secret, but I don’t want these sites to end up on Google search results. I also don’t want to add the extra complexity of having a username and password protecting the sites or restricting anything to a specific IP range.

I figure a good solution is to have a robots.txt file default for every site on the server. I’ve seen some sites be completely wiped off the face of the Internet because someone didn’t update the robots.txt file for production. Then there is the challenge of maintaining a separate file in development and production environments. The solution I came up with is a simple Apache alias in the global httpd.conf:

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Matthew Nuzum

Web guy, big thinker, loves to talk and write. Front end web, mobile and UX developer for John Deere ISG. My projects: @dsmwebgeeks @tekrs @squaretap ✝