Remember how fun that was!
Last year was full of discovery and learning. We talked about mobile marketing, progressive web apps, machine learning, the state of our education system, and so much more.
Our hard-working “staff” at DSM Web Geeks would like to give thanks to all of our speakers throughout the year, and a special thank you to our sponsors. Of course, we couldn’t have done any of this without the special support from our gracious host Pillar Technologies. Thank you all!
And without any further ado here is our 2017 Recap:
We started off the year with our annual Social Event were Shift Interactive made it rain Google Cardboard. “You get a Cardboard, and you get a Cardboard, and you get a Cardboard!”
Door prize giveaways for the spring event. Be there March 27th. #dsmwebgeekfest RSVP now: https://t.co/KmNw96yzVr pic.twitter.com/GZeRnqdXtk
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) March 20, 2017
Our first real look at TDD with AJ Whatling.
We’re using TDD to build #React components, y’all! pic.twitter.com/FEY2szA6NK
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) April 11, 2017
That time when @wesbos tweeted about our event.
Lunch talk with @wesbos leading us through the #JavaScript30 challenges. pic.twitter.com/4u8wSFoDyu
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) April 12, 2017
This event inspired me to build an app. But, then I realized how hard it is to build an app.
Learning about making a profitable #MobileApp with @dsmwebgeeks @lukeklinker pic.twitter.com/otvbEa5m9Z
— John Sonneville (@johnfsonneville) May 9, 2017
We all published our own websites at this event.
Learning about Jekyll with @joshmccall pic.twitter.com/FWlH3grUpj
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) June 12, 2017
Cat Tinder is probably the funniest app concept I’ve ever built.
Ready for @NateThePirate to intro @angular pic.twitter.com/8O9MwclT69
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) July 11, 2017
Matt did such a good job presenting on progressive web apps during our social event we asked him back for a lunch event.
Excited to see all the people joining us at @dsmwebgeeks with @mrbusche presenting on #ProgressiveWebApps pic.twitter.com/VwsJyjlaEK
— Source Allies (@SourceAllies) July 18, 2017
What a great way to learn about CSS grid. Josh is an excellent instructor.
We enjoyed hosting @dsmwebgeeks, this afternoon! Thanks for the great presentation on CSS Grid. #development #FrontEnd pic.twitter.com/ItwRyClQD8
— Blue Compass (@BlueCompass) August 16, 2017
You know you’ve got a cool logo when Tim Cook sports it on his laptop.
Nice Web Geek’s sticker @tim_cook. Hope to see you at our next event. New members are always welcome. pic.twitter.com/aFUJ5KevAm
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) August 31, 2017
It’s magic. Right? It’s got to be magic.
Tonight’s @dsmwebgeeks Unity event! Kicking us off: @DoubleNaeBow showing us some awesome #ThreeJS stuff. pic.twitter.com/1h1f4pP0rK
— Josh Larson (@jplhomer) September 12, 2017
One of my favorite events of last year had to be this one.
Tonight, Jeff Shafferman led us on a mob-coding exercise. We created a rolling ball game in @unity3d! pic.twitter.com/HeeXQxk5hT
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) September 12, 2017
Some of the smartest people I know are Web Geeks.
Don’t forget to RSVP for tomorrow’s downtown lunch event! Learn about UX research strategies: https://t.co/QR2wfrhsQv
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) September 18, 2017
The Shift Interactive crew stopped by our booth for a quick photo op.
Learning lots from industry leaders today at #PrairieCode with our friends at @dsmwebgeeks! pic.twitter.com/hJbd2Vxrbg
— Shift Interactive (@shiftdsm) September 28, 2017
“Ask not what your project manager can do for you, ask what you can do for your project manager.”
@tonybibbs giving us tips about project management from real life experience & not from reading books! @dsmwebgeeks pic.twitter.com/Z9T2JeHkWs
— Jessica Le (@lovelejess) October 9, 2017
Some of the most impressive live coding I’ve ever seen in a presentation.
Dang. Never realized the power of Google Data Studio or Google Optimize until today. Awesome presentation @abrudtkuhl @dsmwebgeeks! pic.twitter.com/2v5RAck3uE
— Josh Larson (@jplhomer) October 18, 2017
Machine learning is such an incredible topic.
Live demo worked! Yeah! pic.twitter.com/mRYdyWNdTl
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) November 14, 2017
Our first look at Vue.JS.
Live with Todd Brunia pic.twitter.com/CrBbcMGmWT
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) November 16, 2017
Web Geeks showing off their geeky talents.
Special thanks to @itrace for bringing in the @shiftdsm screen printer. This year's shirt design was great! pic.twitter.com/ddW7vZEeBb
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) December 12, 2017
We finished out the year with a panel of teachers discussing web development in education.
Jeff Gullion, a DMACC professor tells us about how they offer two years associates and certificates in programming and graphic design and more! They look for trends in the tech industry and teach what’s relevant! For example, ReactJS! pic.twitter.com/FvnGSZeEda
— Des Moines Web Geeks (@dsmwebgeeks) December 20, 2017