Dive into Ruby on Rails

Learning a new web framework is always daunting. Luckily, Ruby on Rails makes it easy to create a web application out of the box by making assumptions about what a web application needs. As a result, a developer can get an app…

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Feb. 8th Dojo: Python/Django Unchained

Over the next few months we'll be focusing on leaning new web frameworks with the hopes of gaining a deeper understanding of web development. First up is Django, the web framework for perfectionists (with deadlines). Django makes it easier to build web applications quickly…

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A lot of time you'll see comparisons of AngularJS vs EmberJS vs ReactJS. What's wrong with this comparison? Well, ReactJS doesn't belong. Why? Because ReactJS is not a complete Javascript Framework! It is "just the UI." Come learn about what…

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Explore Bootstrap 4.0

Bootstrap 4.0 alpha was recently announced with a list of great improvements. Join us as and explore the new features. We'll discuss the move to less from Sass, embracing ES6, the improvements to the grid (including flexbox support) and the…

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